
Find the classes that best suit your family!

“Learn to dance in a non-judgemental, comfortable and safe environment. We guarantee your satisfaction or we’ll work with you to make it right!”

– Amanda Verthein, Owner/Director/Dance Instructor

Divi Theme Examples

Choose the age group that suits you or your dancer:

Twinkle Twos

Ages 2-3

This class is specifically designed for the youngest dancer and promotes self expression, creativity, basic fundamentals of dance through movement. Offered in 4 week sessions.

Young Children

Ages 3-7

Children’s classes, at AAD, are designed to assist children with gross motor skills &
introduce them to friends & the studio setting. Dancers learn in a fun-filled,
personal environment sure to enrich each child with confidence & enjoyment! 


Children & Teens

Ages 8 & above

Dance is about having fun, building confidence and developing technique. Dancers progress at different rates and ultimately, we strive to ensure each dancer has the right mix of comfort and
challenge in each class.



Ages 18-120

That’s right! Adults can dance too! Now offering Adult Irish, Adult Tap and Ballroom for Adults of any skill level and Technique classes for the experienced adult!