? Competitive Dancer Registration Level 2-6 Competition Registration (Level 2-5) Please fill out this form for each competition piece that you plan to compete in the next dance season. Step 1 of 4 - Dancer Information 0% Dancer InformationName First Last Birthdate MM slash DD slash YYYY 2024-2025 Class Level:How many years have you been competiting?I will be competiting the following in 2025: Class/Group Dances Non-class/Group Dance Solo Duet/Trio Class Competition GroupsThese are groups that rehearse during scheduled classes/rehearsals. (Excluding Itty Bittys, EP, EL & Production) Lyrical 2 Lyrical 3 Lyrical 4 Lyrical 5 Modern 4-5 Mini Musical Theater Junior Musical Theater Senior Musical Theater Hip Hop 4-5 Irish 4 Skip to last pageIf you are performing only in class/group dances, skip to the agreement section on page 4.This field is hidden when viewing the formName of other dancer(s): DIVISION :Reminder:Soloist and duet/trios must also be enrolled in the style they plan to compete (ie: lyrical solo = lyrical class). Please refer to the Competition Handbook for other dancer policies. Regular attendance to all technique classes is required. Type of Group:Select from optionsSoloDuet/Trio*Small Group**Name of other dancers:Comments:STYLE:Please check all the styles you are interested in if you have not yet decided. Choose only one style if you have decided.Style of Dance: Ballet Pointe Jazz Tap Musical Theatre Lyrical Contemporary Modern Hip Hop Irish Acro Other: Music Choice or Ideas:Please provide us with a few links or name & artist of songs that you like. If you have not already picked a song, this will give us an idea of the direction you'd like your piece to go. All music is subject to approval.Style Comments:INSTRUCTOR:Please choose the instructors you'd be interested in working with. Note: Teachers will be assigned by style, availability and connection.Instructors Miss Brie Miss Emilie Miss Harleigh Miss Jill Miss Chelsea Miss Sarah (Irish) Miss Kaitlyn Miss MacKenzie Other: I'm open to who ever is best for me! Comments for Instructor: AVAILABILITY:Please list the days and times that would work well in your schedule.When would you like to begin working on your dance?Dances must be completed no later than NOV. 1. Choreography must start in August or September, at the very latest.I've already filled out my availability on another registration: Yes, I have. SUMMER AVAILABILITY:Please list the days and times that would work well in your schedule.Monday:Tuesday:WednesdayThursdayWeekendFALL AVAILABILITY:Please list the days and times that would work well in your schedule.WeekdayWeekendAvailability Comments:GENERAL QUESTIONS:Do you plan to attend competitions only scheduled by AAD, or are you interested in competing at extra competitions? Only with AAD. I'd like information on more competitions to attend on my own. Not sure yet. Would you like AAD to assist you in purchasing a costume? I look forward to working with my instructor to choose a costume from a new catalog. I will talk with my instructor about purchasing a costume from the AAD costume closet. All costume choices are subject to approval. Costumes MUST be purchased through AAD. AGREEMENT* Yes! I'm ready! I understand the policies, time commitment and monetary commitment involved with my dancer(s) participating in the competition as set forth in the AAD Competitive Dancer Handbook. I authorize and allow for my dancer(s) to participate in competition and attend private lessons and use studio space as needed for preparation. I also understand that participation in my regular scheduled technique classes are mandatory to attend as a competition dancer.